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Welcome to the website of Korean-German Association of Economics and Management
(KDGW: Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftswissenschaften)!

The KDGW was founded in 1978 and is an academic organization with a history of half a century on the verge. The KDGW not only contributes to the development of economics and business administration in Korea through exchanges at the international level, such as academic or cultural aspects, between Korea and Germany, but also conducts in-depth research on economic, management, and social issues and policies related to the German-speaking region. Through this, we provide insights on the issues facing Korean society.

In the rapidly changing market environment, Germany is strongly promoting 'Strategic Autonomy'. This is to increase its bargaining power with the US and China, which have big data cloud platforms. In the future, Germany is a strategic partner in the transformation of high-value-added industries and new data business models using data. Based on their accumulated experience and knowledge, they will actively support data market design centered on experts in the field to create "community businesses" that connect different areas. Germany launched the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' (Industrie 4.0) in 2011 and is leading the global industrial data market by implementing the Industrial Data Market (Data Space) in 2023 (Manufacturing-X). This is where we need the challenging attitude of our members who understand, have first-hand experience and are deeply interested in the German social market economy.

At the same time, we will continue to expand our research on the topics of work-learning parallelism(Ausbildung), small and medium-sized enterprises (hidden champions), the German reunification process, and social market economy models. Together with Editor-in-Chief Bong-Seok Kim, we will continue the tradition of the journal's history and actively connect our members with companies, research institutes, governments, associations, and organizations from both countries to design new data businesses.

We ask for your interest and support. Thank you.

Dr. Kim, Insuk (ph.D.),
President of the Korean-German Association of Economics and Management(KDGW)



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TEL : 051-629-5337|FAX : 051-629-5334|E-MAIL : kdgw@daum.net